Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Let’s Write a Novel Chapter 4, Paragraphs 5 & 6

Note: The novel from the start can be found by clicking on Lets Write a Novel , my associated blog. Some corrections and changes appear there as well as some notes and questions I need to address. As you have no doubt noticed, writing a novel is, at least for me, a bit ragged.

101 North Washington Street.

Let’s Write a Novel Chapter 4, Paragraphs 5 & 6
I suppose I shouldn’t make such a fuss about Abe’s little grudge. Of course it would have been much nicer for everybody in the family if he had a clean emotional slate. Ah, but who among us has an emotional tabla rasa? I nurture a grudge towards my Grandfather Abraham because he held a grudge towards my Grandmother Sara. And then his grudge crippled my mother, Ophelia’s happiness, because that she carried a grudge in her gut as if she had swallowed a blacked brick from a tragic home fire. And me? I am writing down this story to get even with Abraham. I guess I know it’s the nature of tragedy, all this grudging nonsense. Why don’t I just get over it and get on with my life? Of course, that is why I am doing this. I want Starke Center, the little townspeople, with their own little problems, not one among them who even remember Abe or Sara but for the old cornerstone on the dilapidated downtown building, these little people who have almost entirely forgotten Ophelia who once was a shining young woman, then later a rich and influential matron, these village folks, only a few who only vaguely remember me, should remember our story. And I don’t really even care about Starke Center. I often an not even certain that I care about Abe or Sara. Perhaps it is just my tight, dark, little grudge, echoing down 3 generations that I care about.


This talk of grudges has my head spinning. What I need to do is just tell the story, the story of Ophelia Weiss. I would like you, my old and new Starke Center acquaintances, to get to know her better.

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