Vocabulary word for the day: arras. (Hint: It's in the picture)
A person claiming, perhaps purporting, to be the daughter of “the so-called "idiot attorney" sent the following comment. Towards the end you will see that I have deleted a person’s name that is not connected with this blog. I have (parenthetically) inserted some comments in RED.
Leslie "Idiot" Bedrock has left a new comment on your post "Lawyers I Have Known and Hated, Part 1":
Hello Ms or Mrs. Cross, whichever it may be, although I feel quite stupid writing this to you, knowing that you're not a real person and you're hiding behind a woman's pen name. Oh well, I guess it's very easy to hide with your tail between your legs when you're putting down others on the Internet. (My name, like it or not, is Marian Cross. Why is that a problem with you?)
I am the daughter of the so-called "idiot attorney" and, while I believe you have a Constitutional right to speak and write whatever you please and desire, I feel that you are misinformed and are, in fact, what you call my father and the Mayor. I believe that's what the literary world refers to as irony?? Maybe. (If you are saying I am an idiot, OK. You have had your say. But, I can assure you that my daughter won't be jumping to my defense. Perhaps this is because she would find it quite amusing that I would be called an idiot. Certainly she wouldn't feel the sensitivity that you feel. One might wonder what the cause of that sensitivity may be. Are we near a nerve perhaps?)
Now, you may argue that you know the law but you seem like someone who likes to hear their own words, more than anything else. You go on and on and on throughout this blog with superioristic words but you do nothing...nothing to change what you feel is wrong. You simply sit in front of your computer, typing your senseless words, all while hiding behind that little pen name you have. (I have read several great books lately. I wish very much that I had written them. If my words are senseless it certainly begs the question of why you choose to comment, eh? And, my dear, superioristic is not a word. Furthermore, I would suggest that some words are better than others, you know, have more precise meanings than simple words. I would hope that an attorney would be very sensitive to the use of words, you know, in contracts and stuff. I would think that sensitivity to this power of words would be something an attorney would carefully pass along to his children, if they were aware of it that is.)
You refer to the Mayor and my father as so-called "idiots" but here's the thing...something illegal DID in fact occur! People who did not live in the city limits voted and that's WRONG, whether it was one person or 100...it does not make any difference. (Ah. The degree of wrongdoing makes a great difference. There is an important difference between 1 and 100. In the case of 1 ballot or even 10, it is irrelevant to the outcome of the election and is not an indication whatsoever of systemic cheating. In fact, it is quite common for people to vote in the wrong precinct. It happens in every precinct in every election. I would venture a wild guess that 2 % of every vote cast in every election in America is in the wrong precinct. There is a saying from Voltaire, "The perfect is the enemy of the good." A belief in perfect justice is small minded. In any case, the Mayor and his attorney are simply fishing. They have no case. Ordinarilly they wouldn't care in the least. High minded? I doubt it.)
You ask the question in your ramblings of whether the Absentee Ballot Application states whether or not if an election is falsified will it be invalid. Now, let me ask you a question...WHY ON EARTH WOULD THE CITIZENS OF KNOX, INDIANA WANT SOMEONE WHO IS WILLING TO CHEAT, SO BLATANTLY, IN THE OFFICE FOR THE POSITION OF MAYOR!!!!??????? To me, this question is silly and I almost feel stupid or, dare I say, "idiotic"-like for asking it but with you, Ms or Mrs. Cross, I feel I must. Maybe, you should refer to me as "idiot daughter" because I'm obviously confused as well...Idiocy must run in the family, I guess. (The court brief on file did not accuse the Mayor's opponent of any wrongdoing. That is because that would be libel. And even your daddy knows that this is dangerous ground.)
In this country, we always talk about standing up for what's right and wrong...The Mayor and my Father are prime examples. I think it's commendable that someone is standing up to cheaters and making an argument. Maybe you should really look at what the "idiot Mayor" and the "idiot attorney" are doing and learn something. If you believe something is wrong, stand behind that opinion and not hide behind a fake name. (This paragraph is unintentionally quite amusing. and BTW, that last sentence; wasn't.)
As I come to the end of my thoughts on this matter, I notice that you have "comment moderation" enabled on your blog spot, which I also think is humorous. You are so opposed to any differing opinions from yours, you're censoring your own site. How humorous...again! I cannot get over how you must like the sound and sight of your own voice and words. (How odd. This is my blog, not everybody's. I print every comment if there is anything of merit being said. But, in fact, yes, I decide. Why not? What is wrong with that? If the editor of the South Bend Tribune doesn't print your letter to the editor is that censorship? No, of course not. You need to start thinking about the words that you use. They make you seem stupid. However, I have been told that you are a quite bright young lady. Maybe you have been hanging around the wrong people.)
Have a beautiful and blessed day, XXXXXX (erroneous name deleted by Knox Indiana), and I do hope that you learn from Mayor Estok and Mr. Bedrock. At least they stand up for what they believe in and do it using their real identity.
Daughter of Idiot Attorney
1 comment:
I applaud Mr. Bedrock's daughter. Stand up for what you believe in. That is what they are doing. I also think that you should get a life, Oh I forgot you live in Starke County there is nothing else for you to do!!!!!!!!!!!!
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