Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Kudos, Knox Soccer…… Hiss, Knox School Board

For about 20 years volunteers have nurtured the Knox area youth soccer program. There are now nearly 500 players in the Knox program! The second generation of players is playing and the first generation is coaching, helping and cheering on their young. The difficulties keeping soccer going have been formidable. Just a few people have put in thousands of hours over the years, providing the consistent support needed to make a program like this work. Our community is so very much the better for it. We all need to salute all those involved over the years. I confess to have personally contributed very little to the success of Knox soccer. I only know a few of the many people involved in the program. I hate to mention names for fear of failing to mention someone that deserves recognition. Perhaps readers of this blog, (if there are any!) will comment here and fill in the personal details of this story.

Volunteer efforts in our community create social cohesion that simply would not exist otherwise. If these efforts ceased there would be a shocking and dangerous lack of social cohesion in our community. There are group efforts from service organizations. There are many solitary souls that quietly help out year after year. It sometimes seems that there is less volunteerism than in the past. It is refreshing to realize that organizations and individuals are quietly at work nurturing our community.

Volunteers that sit on governmental boards represent the citizens of Knox at the school, the library, the park and other boards. Because they spend the taxes we pay, they are much more open to our criticism than non-governmental volunteers. This is as it should be. It is a great privilege and responsibility to serve your fellow citizens in a democracy.

The members of the Knox School Board deserve our criticism for their destructive attitude towards soccer at Knox. They have refused all attempts and blocked all efforts to establish soccer in our schools. The supporters of soccer have offered to create a soccer program in the schools. They have offered pay all the expenses needed to support a so-called “club sport”. The school board has refused even this modest proposal. Hundreds of boys and girls are denied the opportunity to participate at the varsity level in a sport they love.

So what gives? It seems that the school board perceives a threat to the football program. And perhaps they are right! Plenty of children would rather play soccer than football. Shouldn’t a sport that has thrived for a generation be welcomed in the schools? Why is a sport preferred by both parents and children rejected by the school board? I think Harold Welter, long-time school board member, is behind the opposition to soccer. His love of high school football and basketball is evident. He has been the radio voice of those local high school sports for a generation. Supporting and encouraging his favorite sports is good and well. Blocking the legitimate and desirable community interest in a sports program that may compete with his beloved football is not proper, fair or justifiable. Harold Welter’s behavior in this regard is not in the best interest of the schools and its patrons. He deserves our disapprobation.


Anonymous said...

the knox soccer league was started by randy and sharon denney with the help of a teacher i dont remember? culver military academy and sid marks donated training for coaches and refs, steve spaw donated nets and goal post, bob shaw donated seed and mowing for the fields and the school donated the field.

knox indiana said...

Was that teacher Mr. McKillup? I remember his vintage pickup loaded with nets and balls. For more than a few years Steve Berndt has put in a lot of time and organizational skill. I know there are others. I hope someone else posts a comment with more names.

Anonymous said...

I think I remember something at one of the school board meetings about the soccer issue. I listened to a very nice presentation on the program, however, if my memory serves me correctly, it was more of a financial issue that the school couldn't adopt a soccer program than it was a threat to football. I can't remember who gave the presentation but I do know that meeting minutes are public record.

Anonymous said...

It appears to me that you are just wanting to bash Harold Welter. Maybe we can blame him for global warming too! I am a parent of a child who actively participates in many sports and I try to be supportive of all of them. Maybe instead of placing blame you should become more involved and help change the things you don't like? In my opinion, Harold Welter is very devoted to the entire community and he doesn't "contol" what the school does. There is an entire board for that. As far as his dealings with investments with the teachers, well, that's nobody's business but theirs. Would you want me to stick my nose into your financial decisions?

Anonymous said...
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knox indiana said...

Harold Welter is out for himself and DOES make a lot of the decisions for the school. He has a complex problem and wants to pad his bank acct. to make him feel superior than everyone else. He might want to set up an account for his son's future legal problems......
xxxxx deleted by me xxxxxxxxxxx
.........that has already been swept under the rug by the Administration of the school whom Harold is the Pres. of the board....hmm. I would think if a person running for sheriff would investigate this he would get a ton of votes because people are sick of a certain group of people getting away with anything.

Anonymous said...

Harold Welter's response appears to be--"In your face!" His son Nathan was on WKVI with him Friday night broadcating the North Judson-Rensselaer football game. While there is nothing wrong with Nathan doing radio, I don't believe it ends there. What does bother me is my gut feeling that this is part of Harold's master plan. Is he grooming yet another member of the Welter family for a possition within the Knox school system? Does he really think that his son should ever be offered a coaching or teaching possition after having to quit coaching as a result of his behavior mid-season this year?
If Harold is allowed to take him
out one door and sneak him in another, then not only shame on Harold, but shame, shame on all of us.

Anonymous said...

I am not here to defend Harold Welter. As a matter of fact, I feel very strongly that the issue concerning his son's behavior must be pursued. However, Harold is only one school board member. Why do the othe members of the board sit on their butts and allow these things to go on.

My recommedation---get rid of ALL current members and elect those with enough courage, integrity and leadership to stand against that which is wrong.

Until voters demand change, current policies will continue. I certainly plan to campaign against all incumbents. Let's clear the table and start over.