Today's trivia question to prepare you for the “Clash of Civilizations”.
What is the Annunciation? Answer: In Christianity, the Annunciation is the revelation to Mary, the mother of Jesus by the archangel Gabriel that she would conceive a child to be born the Son of God. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Polar Bears & Penguins
Dear gentle reader. There is a tendency towards rather dubious groupings of Christmas decorations. I think that a Santa scene with sleigh and reindeer shouldn’t be grouped with a crèche Nativity scene. To create a more artful and tasteful display one would be advised to enlarge upon one particular Christmas theme. For example, if you want to go with Santa, then add a North Pole, a Mrs. Santa, a workshop with elves, etc. If you prefer the religious then go all out with a Nativity scene. You’ve got camels, wise men, shepherds, sheep, the guiding star, precious gifts, angels and any number of barnyard animals (but for heaven’s sake don’t make the rookie mistake of adding swine). Your good taste will we reflected in your display of moderation. Your neighbors will envy your courage to do more with less. When all else fails, ask yourself, “What would Martha Stewart do?”

What is with you? Can no one do anything right? I think that all you like to do is rip on everyone else. I am about tired of listening to you belittle everyone for everything they do.
I suggest we all would be a bit happier if we learned a word a day. My word a day suggestion to Anonymous is that she/he could do worse than to research the meaning of the word literal and the associated concept called literalness. Clearly Anonymous suffers from ultra-literalness. It is cause for shame to allow yourself to suffer from this common affliction because there is great hope for cure
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