The Grant W. Green Post Office Building Chocola-Sponsored Bill Honoring Long-Time Starke County Postal Worker Clears U.S. House. H.R. 3770 will rename Knox post office the ‘Grant W. Green Post Office Building.
Quote Chocola:
“Mr. Green was the quintessential public servant: hardworking, passionate about his job, and dedicated to the people and country he served,” said Chocola. “The ‘Grant W. Green Post Office Building’ will recognize a unique era in the American experience, and it will make a statement to future generations about the importance Knox places on a strong work ethic and public service.”
I think the fellow was called Renfro (Spelling uncertain. The middle initial W. suggests Wrenfro. The pronunciation was wren-view or wren-frew). Renfro was a city carrier for 23 years and then a rural carrier for 27 years. Sort of seems to me like naming the school after the old custodian that smoked 2 packs a day down in the furnace room. The Post Office was a political patronage job back then. It was considered a damn nice job to have back during the hard times of the Great Depression. Not a bad place to sit out a war either. (Renfro is a Welsh name meaning peace loving.) Not a George Washington or Honest Abe, eh?
You know politicians don’t come up with these stupid ideas without a lot of help. I’m pretty sure that Rep. Chocola didn’t wake up one morning and decide to name the Post Office. To my knowledge he didn’t appoint a naming committee or have a public hearing. So how did he decide? Well the fact that Mr. Green was the father of Becky Welter, wife of Harold Welter had something to do with it, I suppose.*Note
On the same day HR 3770 was signed into law no less than 19 other Post Offices around the country were also named. Most of these namings are easier to understand:
- Hodgenville, Kentucky, as the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Post Office Building.
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the Congressman James Grove Fulton Memorial Post Office Building.
- Gagetown, Michigan, as the Gagetown Veterans Memorial Post Office.
- Spring Hill, Florida, as the Staff Sergeant Michael Schafer Post Office Building. (Bronze Star, killed in Afghanistan July 25, 2005)
- Baltimore, Maryland, as Maryland State Delegate Lena K. Lee Post Office Building.
- Riverton, Utah, as the Mont and Mark Stephensen Veterans Memorial Post Office Building.
- Dennison, Minnesota, as the Albert H. Quie Post Office. (Congressman)
See my Blogs about Harold:
Questions Harold Welter might answer
Kudos, Knox Soccer…… Hiss, Knox School Board
I think the fellow was called Renfro (Spelling uncertain. The middle initial W. suggests Wrenfro. The pronunciation was wren-view or wren-frew). Renfro was a city carrier for 23 years and then a rural carrier for 27 years. Sort of seems to me like naming the school after the old custodian that smoked 2 packs a day down in the furnace room. The Post Office was a political patronage job back then. It was considered a damn nice job to have back during the hard times of the Great Depression. Not a bad place to sit out a war either. (Renfro is a Welsh name meaning peace loving.) Not a George Washington or Honest Abe, eh?
You know politicians don’t come up with these stupid ideas without a lot of help. I’m pretty sure that Rep. Chocola didn’t wake up one morning and decide to name the Post Office. To my knowledge he didn’t appoint a naming committee or have a public hearing. So how did he decide? Well the fact that Mr. Green was the father of Becky Welter, wife of Harold Welter had something to do with it, I suppose.*Note
On the same day HR 3770 was signed into law no less than 19 other Post Offices around the country were also named. Most of these namings are easier to understand:
- Hodgenville, Kentucky, as the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Post Office Building.
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the Congressman James Grove Fulton Memorial Post Office Building.
- Gagetown, Michigan, as the Gagetown Veterans Memorial Post Office.
- Spring Hill, Florida, as the Staff Sergeant Michael Schafer Post Office Building. (Bronze Star, killed in Afghanistan July 25, 2005)
- Baltimore, Maryland, as Maryland State Delegate Lena K. Lee Post Office Building.
- Riverton, Utah, as the Mont and Mark Stephensen Veterans Memorial Post Office Building.
- Dennison, Minnesota, as the Albert H. Quie Post Office. (Congressman)
See my Blogs about Harold:
Questions Harold Welter might answer
Kudos, Knox Soccer…… Hiss, Knox School Board

Wow, just when I thought you couldn't stoop any lower, you come up with this one.
In a former life, we used to call guys (forgive my assumption) like you snipers. You know, it's easy to fire off at the unsuspecting or deceased in this case when you're hiding in the bushes.
I have this picture of you in olive drab underwear sitting at your computer dripping guacamole chip dip on your keyboard.
But I'll bet you have nothing to say in real life.
I stooped so low? How so?
I questioned the actions of my Congressman. He chose to name the Post Office in my city. I happen to think that public building should be named very carefully. They should honor a particularly significant contribution to our society. When other cities decide to name their post office after a local man killed in action in a foreign war or name their Post office after a prominent public official, I feel that is appropriate.
I think that Harold Welter gamed the system. He evidently had some influence with Chocola. Grant W. Green may have been a fine man. However I am pretty certain that he does not represent any particular singular sacrifice or contribution to our society. The comments by Chocola certainly didn’t mention anything. I think that the ONLY reason that our post office is named after Grant W. Green is that he is Harold’s Father-In-Law. I think that stinks. I think someone else is stooping.
Sniping at the unsuspecting or dead? Really! I think it is appropriate, responsible and correct for citizens in a democracy to comment on the actions of their representatives. Am I supposed to shut up because Grant W. Green is dead? Listen. I didn’t bring up his name. Congressman Chocola did. When Chocola named our post office after this man then the appropriateness of our Congressman’s actions became absolutely “fair game”.
Anyhow the whole thing is silly. Naming our post office the ‘Grant W. Green Post Office Building’ is laughable. It deserves our derision.
Anonymous said...
“I have this picture of you in olive drab underwear sitting at your computer dripping guacamole chip dip on your keyboard.
But I'll bet you have nothing to say in real life.”
I, Blogger Knox Indiana, feel that I must respond to this comment with a separate response.
I own no olive drab underwear. Nor have I ever eaten guacamole chip dip while typing. This isn’t “real life”? I take this community and its ethical leadership seriously and I have plenty to say. You seem to take it seriously. So tell me, what about this blog isn’t “real life”?
Anonymous, I challenge you to respond to the actual questions of ethical behavior and matters of good taste, and good public conduct that I bring forward. Why don’t you actually defend the naming of the Post Office? You conspicuously don’t actually defend this public embarrassment. Tell me why it should be named as it has been. Tell me that Harold Welter had nothing to do with this fiasco. Tell me in what way Grant W. Green’s life was so admirable that we want our young people to emulate him by naming public buildings in his honor.
Accusing me of wearing green underwear doesn’t really seem to be an appropriate response to serious questions. Did I mention anything about Harold Welter’s or Grant W. Green’s underwear? I don’t think so.
The fact that Mr. Green is dead is irrelevant. I have to agree with you that Mr. Welter had something to do with the naming of the post office. And I know he has a connection with Chocola because I recall seeing them together many times and I remember Welter campaigning for him. Please excuse my spelling, I am a math person :)
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