An Anonymous has left a new comment on my post "Wythogan Park, a modest proposal": I, Blogger, Knox Indiana censored this post due to serious and unsupported accusations.
Some rude accusations were made about Ernie Carlson and Jim Shilling, 2 people specifically mentioned as helping the park. I refuse to print these crude attempts to assassinate character. This Whythogan Park post was about trying to improve our park and our community.
I quote Anonymous’ s conclusion. The rest of the post had to be deleted.
“If these are the people that you and our community members are to look up to, then it is no wonder why you find so many things to complain about in your blog. How about complimenting someone for something they have done absent of any selfish motivation?”
Well, damn it, Anonymous; tell me about something “done absent of any selfish motivation”. I would love to hear about it. Tell me about some community project you have recently completed.
Jim Shilling spent years and an astounding effort to bring about the Gateway Project. (The Gateway Project includes the stone wall gates on 35, the old rail station rehab, and the park path.) Nobody was paying him for this. He wasn’t on a Public Board hiring his relatives. He wasn’t bringing building materials home to pave his driveway.
Ernie Carlson that spent a week or more taking apart the crumbing stones and skillfully rebuilding the entrance to Whythogan. Nobody paid him; he didn’t have any family members getting a job or a kickback. Wow.
Well, damn it, Anonymous; do you have anything to say about the idea put forth in the post about making the trail into a mile loop. Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Do you have a better idea?
Well, just damn it, Anonymous.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
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I understand giving recognition to Jim Schilling and Ernie Carlson and their great work to the community. Both are men of great character and integrity. With that being said, both men have created a reputation that stands second to none. That leads me to recall a personal conversation that I had with Mr. Schilling, I asked him "why? do you do all this work? ( refering to the depot) He humbly told me that he spent his time doing what he did because he loves this community and desires to give back to the community in a manner that was selfless. I truly heard the sincerity in his tone and instantly saw his sincerity in my heart. I also truly believe that many others see that quality in Mr. Schilling. My question for you knox-blogger... You mention the need for bringing it all out because the press will not tell the whole story. I see that you only post/edit what you feel goes along with your views and that is not an open commentary. Is that fair by any means? I mean I think you should post the negative comments about the depot and The two men you mention and let the debate begin. Honestly, you should post it all. Part of being in the public spot light is that you have to have thick skin to take the comments of your critics, in fact, being in an elected or public position you should take all comments. It should make you improve or correct the problem. Seems like these days all types of businesses take comments from their customers and they do such to improve on their service. I think it serves a great justice for those people sitting behind the tables and calling meeting to order. If a comment, positive or derrogoratory is made about the character of good people, I think the truth always comes out. I have one last thing, knoxblogger, can you tell your captive audience here on the net any civic duties or community service that you have volunteered for? Please do not take this question as chastising you or your service here, just interested to know if you volunteered to run for a public office to make some of the changes that you have mentioned?
I, Blogger Knox Indiana deeply appreciate your thoughtful and sincere comments. I would like respond to your gentle criticism, if I may?
You Said:
“I see that you only post/edit what you feel goes along with your views and that is not an open commentary.”
That is not true. I print any comment that seems relevant and non-libelous.
You Said:
“I mean I think you should post the negative comments about the depot and the two men you mention and let the debate begin.”
Neither man has been accused in comments to this Blog of any conduct that is a violation of the public trust. It does not further my interests in promoting the public weal to print libel or attacks of a personal nature.
No negative comments have been made to this Blog regarding the Depot project, so that accusation is not mote. It so happens that an examination of the depot project with it’s merits and demerits is on my “might do” list. Furthermore, Mr. Shillings’s role in Knox’s master plan and zoning project with it’s merits and demerits is on my “might do” list also.
You Said:
“ Honestly, you should post it all. Part of being in the public spot light is that you have to have thick skin to take the comments of your critics,..."
Hey! I was accused of being a Pompous Jackass and published that! What more do you want?
You Said:
“ fact, being in an elected or public position you should take all comments. It should make you improve or correct the problem”.
Marian Cross is not presently a public official. I print about 80% of the comments received, unaltered. I print a few that I feel must be censored because they are not relevant or are libelous. Some posts are ignorant and crude and self-serving. Publishing these would simply do harm my efforts and would not promote the public weal.
You Said:
“I have one last thing, knoxblogger, can you tell your captive audience here on the net any civic duties or community service that you have volunteered for? Please do not take this question as chastising you or your service here, just interested to know if you volunteered to run for a public office to make some of the changes that you have mentioned?”
Captive audience? I don’t think so.
Community service? Does this blog count? Marian Cross has performed no other service besides this blog to Knox, Indiana. However my novels, poems, and essays (written under a nom de plume) are highly regarded. I feel that my prior work made substantial contribution to various social issues and in the end, “made a difference”.
I don't knox what "anonymous" said to get you so fired up, and I don't care to know. However, your immediate defense of Mr. Shilling left me hesitant to even respond, seeing how you print negative comments about only those you are "out to get".
Mr. Shilling said he "loves this community". A more accurate statement would be: "he loves this community as he has made it."
Your research is lacking! Mr. and Mrs Shilling HAVE sat on boards. They have abused their board positions and contributions to keep Knox just as they want it. Don't take my word for it. Talk to current and past members of various boards.
Improving a community does not just include personal projects. It means improving the community for jobs, small business growth. This means re-zoning in certain instances to provide jobs locally.
Mr. and Mrs. Shilling have opposed numerous attempts residents have made to provide jobs locally. They like there little community just the way it is. Surprise! We are growing in spite of them.
A lot of us have been hoping that this blog was going to be a way to wake up our local news media. It's really disappointing to see you using this blog in the same selfish manor as those running our newspapers and radio station.
Your comments regarding Mr. Shilling may very well be accurate. However. The post wasn’t about him. I was about a proposal to improve the walking trail in the park. As I said above, an examination of Mr. Shilling’s contributions, both good and bad, are on my “might do” list. In my post I simply acknowledged that Mr. Shilling was responsible for the walking path’s existence. This is undeniable.
You should read more carefully. I never said that he wasn’t on a public board. I said, “He wasn’t on a Public Board hiring his relatives.”
You said, “[…] your immediate defense of Mr. Shilling left me hesitant to even respond.” I only pointed out that Mr Shilling was the reason the trail got built. This is simply an undeniable fact. If Jack the Ripper was resonsible for this deed I would acknowledge that fact. Further more I said that there a were negative issues regarding Mr. Shilling that will probably be discused at a future time.
You said “[…] seeing how you print negative comments about only those you are "out to get". Well I must agree that negative comments are certainly negative not positive. I am not out to get anybody, it is their actions I examine. The actions I examine are public and worthy of examination. Finding fault with those actions does not demonstrate that I am out to get anybody.
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