1) pompous. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.
1. Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious: pompous officials who enjoy giving orders. 2. Full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic: a pompous proclamation. 3. Characterized by pomp or stately display; ceremonious: a pompous occasion.
I recently completed “My Profile”, the section in the upper right column of this, the Knox Indiana Blog. I completed My PRofile at the same time I posted my latest post, a proposed bicycle trail from Knox to Plymouth. This seems to me to be a modestly interesting idea to improve the lives of the people of Knox. The surrounding counties tend to have developed Bikeways and it seems that we could participate civically with low cost and some benefit. The Comment that followed rather took me aback:
Anonymous said...
“Marian Cross?? Is that the best you can do? What a load of crap! Does your wife know you are doing this you pompous jackass?”
I am a sensitive gal and I must admit that this crude comment hurt a bit. I thought that some self-examination and soul searching was in order! So, dear and kind reader, please allow me to carefully examine the above anonymous criticism to discover if I might improve my being through this exercise in humility.
In response to, “Marian Cross?? Is that the best you can do?”…..
Oh dear me. This astute reader did catch me up in a small lie. Truly I was born Mary Ann, not Marian. For reasons of vanity I have, from time to time, used the name Marian. I really hadn’t done so since I was young and single, but for some reason I decided to revert to my old “pet” name for this blog. My deepest apology, precious reader. I truly feel like a “load of crap”, but this confession easies my soul a small bit. Please forgive me. As to the name Cross. This is simply my husband’s name. I am only fond of this name because of my deep regard for the dear man. And I am afraid that it is “the best I can do”, Sir or Madam Anonymous.
In response to, “Does your wife know you are doing this…”
As is clearly indicated in” My Profile” I am female. Therefore (in spite of some 21st century trends to the contrary) I have a husband, I do not have a wife.
The big question, and certainly the most troubling is, Am I a pompous ass?
Working from the dictionary definition of pompous, I have re-read my posts to this blog. Certainly the post concerning a bicycle route isn’t the least bit pompous. Nor do I detect any pomposity elsewhere. So I simply must disagree with Anonymous on this adjective. It doesn’t apply.
Jackass is more problematic, I fear. I don’t think I am “A foolish or stupid person; a blockhead”. My writing has been generally well received and has even been called witty. I suspect that Anonymous was simply engaging in a bit of hyperbole and really meant “Ass” rather than “Jackass”.
So let us examine the proposition: Am I an ass? Upon refection I feel I am kith and kin to the famous Shakespearean watchman Dogberry. I feel I am a watchman (of sorts) like Dogberry and I suppose Anonymous was more or less playing the part of Conrade. I quote:
Away! you are an ass, you are an ass.
Dost thou not suspect my place? dost thou not suspect my years? O that he were here to write me down an ass! But, masters, remember that I am an ass; though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass. No, thou villain, thou art full of piety, as shall be proved upon thee by good witness. I am a wise fellow, and, which is more, an officer,and, which is more, a householder, and, which is more, as pretty a piece of flesh as any is in Messina, and one that knows the law, go to; and a rich fellow enough, go to; and a fellow that hath had losses, and one that hath two gowns and everything handsome about him. Bring him away. O thatI had been writ down an ass!

Detail from Painting by Henry Stacy Marks,
Dogberry Examining Conrade and Borachio (1853)
Your pseudo-intellectual ramblings only prove you are a pompous jackass, but I suppose we can now add pompous ass, as well, to your resume.
It is interesting to me that not so long ago, you were concerned about being harassed by various authorities and declined to post a profile.
Even more interesting is the name you chose for your blog identity - Marian Cross - a religious order of 12th century knights one might also describe as pompous jackasses.
Yes, it all fits, and you are so transparent...
Looks like you have alot of time on your hands, can you babysits our two kids??? THANKS
Dear me! The above comment “Your pseudo-intellectual ramblings only prove you are a pompous jackass” (etc., etc.) seems a little bit hostile. But why the hostility? I, the modest blogger, Knox Indiana, have reexamined my post and fail to find any insult, intentional or otherwise, directed at you, Anonymous.
Clearly, I am not an intellectual! Interestingly, I think that only an intellectual could actually spot a pseudo-intellectual. Therefore, I conclude that: Anonymous must consider herself (or himself) to be an intellectual. So let us ponder the phrase “pompous jackass” as used by Anonymous. In my earlier post I didn’t want to burden Anonymous with this minor detail, but being an intellectual carries responsibilities. The phrase “pompous jackass” is in fact a mixed metaphor. Admittedly it is a rather subtle case of the mixing of metaphors. I am sure that this will be an interesting question for any intellectual like Anonymous to consider and address. So I won’t explain myself any further. But I will provide a hint: As insults, both “pompous ass” and “jackass” roll easily off the tongue. However “pompous jackass” just lacks the punch of a good, old-fashioned insult. Why is that?
Wow, what astute knowledge, “Marian Cross - a religious order of 12th century knights”. So astute in fact that you seem to have exclusive knowledge of this order. You should publish! Or do you in fact refer to the Teutonic Cross, also called the Marian Cross and in heraldry, the Potent Cross? This particular version of the Christian Cross, used in the crusades, was assigned to the Knights of the Teutonic (Germanic) Order in 1191. So Marion Cross was a symbol, a version of the Christian cross, that they painted on their shields and waved on their flags, not a religious order. (See I can do a Yahoo search also!) But...I read the article! You should have. In any case what makes a never-existent religious order, or even a real order like the Templars or Hospitallers that fought in the crusades, pompous jackasses? So might the intellectual, Anonymous, have a case of intellectual laziness?
As to the comment "Looks like you have alot of time on your hands, can you babysits [sic] our two kids??? THANKS"
I love children. Tell me about them!
Who can prove
Wit to be witty when with deeper ground
Dulness intuitive declares wit dull?
Say, life’s a poor donation at the best-
Wisdom a yearning after nothingness-
Nature’s great vision and the thrill supreme
Of thought-fed passion but a weary play-
I argue not against you.
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