The 2nd day of the Estok vs Starke County Election Board and Chambers was over before lunch. The witnesses for Estok were an unmitigated disaster and Attorney Bedrock had to give up. The defendants, the Election Board and Chambers, were somewhat at a loss as to how to mount a defense because no evidence whatsoever was offered up against them. So the defense rested without calling any witnesses. My guess is that Estok will lose his suit and, furthermore, he will be found guilty of bringing a frivolous action and will be required to pay the legal fees of everybody.
The really sad thing: 50 completely innocent voting citizens, good citizens, were hauled into court, some lost 2 days of work, some old folks were frightened out of their minds. Read the comment posted to the earlier blog, A Hilarious Day In Starke Circuit Court. This witness is pissed and by God he should be! Most of these witnesses swore that they would never vote again. That would be a mistake. Mr. Chambers is a fine candidate for the job of Mayor. Chambers was not in the least little bit responsible for this mess. Please vote for him in the fall election. Please don't let these assholes get you down.
The witnesses might consider action. Mr. bedrock was not prepared for court. He did not have the order of his witnesses prepared. The witnesses had to wait 2 days, and then many were never called. I think that there is certainly the possibility that this could be construed lawyer misconduct.
And if there is any witness out there that was called into court and was interviewed outside the courtroom the day of the trial and then Mr. Bedrock decided not to call you, well…that might be even worse misconduct. In any case if you feel abused, it is because you were. Legally, you were abused.
Please contact:
Indiana Supreme Court
Disciplinary Commission
Donald R. Lundberg, Executive Secretary
115 W. Washington St., Suite 1165
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Or go to : http://www.in.gov/judiciary/discipline/complaining.html
Or click right here and download a Request for Investigation Form.
The really sad thing: 50 completely innocent voting citizens, good citizens, were hauled into court, some lost 2 days of work, some old folks were frightened out of their minds. Read the comment posted to the earlier blog, A Hilarious Day In Starke Circuit Court. This witness is pissed and by God he should be! Most of these witnesses swore that they would never vote again. That would be a mistake. Mr. Chambers is a fine candidate for the job of Mayor. Chambers was not in the least little bit responsible for this mess. Please vote for him in the fall election. Please don't let these assholes get you down.
The witnesses might consider action. Mr. bedrock was not prepared for court. He did not have the order of his witnesses prepared. The witnesses had to wait 2 days, and then many were never called. I think that there is certainly the possibility that this could be construed lawyer misconduct.
And if there is any witness out there that was called into court and was interviewed outside the courtroom the day of the trial and then Mr. Bedrock decided not to call you, well…that might be even worse misconduct. In any case if you feel abused, it is because you were. Legally, you were abused.
Please contact:
Indiana Supreme Court
Disciplinary Commission
Donald R. Lundberg, Executive Secretary
115 W. Washington St., Suite 1165
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Or go to : http://www.in.gov/judiciary/discipline/complaining.html
Or click right here and download a Request for Investigation Form.

I hope Estok wins,Chambers needs to go drive tow truck that is all he is good for!!!!!!!!!!
and what good is Estock for. I know that he has managed to turn the city police department into a joke, and he lost the city money when he got rid of TJ great job estok
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