Pet Peeve Aside: Boring writers that go on about the completely trite, completely worthless details of their personal lives. Why would I care that they are annoyed with the weather or irritated by (for example) the dumb-ass drivers of the Knox 4-lane. Those jounalistic dolts especially cause hot blurry spots in my visual field when they go on about their family. For example, “It is such a great joy, a joyous gift from our Lord, to watch Baby Smellybottom finally learn to walk. And she’s only just turned 35 months! We are so looking forward to Smelly’s 3rd birthday! All her cross-eyed kinfolk will be there. I guess I’m going to have to clean up the crawl space.” This kind of crap is what passes for feature writing in the South Bend Tribune and the local rags (when they even bother).
Begging your pardon for the introductory rant, the Aside, so-called. What I would really like from these byline featured, 2-dimensional personalitied columnists is a good sex column. You know, like the fictional NYC column by the skinny, blond, curly-haired slut on HBO’s Sex in the City. Oh yah, “Sex in Our City”. I’d bet I would get more than 2 or 3 more hits on my strange little blog, that is, if I could produce such heat. Ah, sadly, I am graced with a face like a horse and consequently a sex life of no interest to anybody including yours truly.
So let us talk about the Knox Police Department. It has come repeatedly to my attention that a certain uninteresting Knox police officer has been diddling some equally uninteresting citizen of our fair city. I haven’t reported such going on because of the seriously uninteresting aspect of the whole affair. My God, certainly this qualifies as a Boring Rendezvous, a cop and a bored housewife. Well the interesting part of all this is not the sex. The interesting part is that the cop got fired for this behavior. The cop seems to agree with me that this really isn’t such an exciting deal. So consequently this police officer is suing the city for wrongful dismissal. The defense (rather interesting perhaps if this ever goes to trial) is that many police officers in the past have committed identical or at least similar acts of boring sex and none of them were fired. We hereby proclaim this the boring sex defense. I think it could work!
Oddly, it seems that there was actually good cause for firing this same diddling officer of the law some time ago when in a psychotic state the officer threatened with a drawn gun to kill either self or family or self and family or some such totally equally disturbing scenario. If this is at all true, this enactment of the suicidal / homicidal primal scene seems to be a damn good cause for firing a policeman. Actually it seems odd that the police officer wasn’t locked up at that time.
Your government in action. Brilliant!
Begging your pardon for the introductory rant, the Aside, so-called. What I would really like from these byline featured, 2-dimensional personalitied columnists is a good sex column. You know, like the fictional NYC column by the skinny, blond, curly-haired slut on HBO’s Sex in the City. Oh yah, “Sex in Our City”. I’d bet I would get more than 2 or 3 more hits on my strange little blog, that is, if I could produce such heat. Ah, sadly, I am graced with a face like a horse and consequently a sex life of no interest to anybody including yours truly.
So let us talk about the Knox Police Department. It has come repeatedly to my attention that a certain uninteresting Knox police officer has been diddling some equally uninteresting citizen of our fair city. I haven’t reported such going on because of the seriously uninteresting aspect of the whole affair. My God, certainly this qualifies as a Boring Rendezvous, a cop and a bored housewife. Well the interesting part of all this is not the sex. The interesting part is that the cop got fired for this behavior. The cop seems to agree with me that this really isn’t such an exciting deal. So consequently this police officer is suing the city for wrongful dismissal. The defense (rather interesting perhaps if this ever goes to trial) is that many police officers in the past have committed identical or at least similar acts of boring sex and none of them were fired. We hereby proclaim this the boring sex defense. I think it could work!
Oddly, it seems that there was actually good cause for firing this same diddling officer of the law some time ago when in a psychotic state the officer threatened with a drawn gun to kill either self or family or self and family or some such totally equally disturbing scenario. If this is at all true, this enactment of the suicidal / homicidal primal scene seems to be a damn good cause for firing a policeman. Actually it seems odd that the police officer wasn’t locked up at that time.
Your government in action. Brilliant!
Actually it wasn't a bored housewife that he was having an affair with, it was a teenage girl. And this was not the first time that he had done this.
It is logically possible to be both a bored housewife and a teenager. As a point of law, public interest, and prurient curiosity the age of the teenager matters. Are we talking about 13 or 19? If 13, prosecution should be considered. If 19, it seems to be of minor interest to the public.
Actually, the teenager was 16 or older, but still in school. And when it all came out there was actually 3 women he was sleeping with while his 2 kids and poor pregnant wife were at home. But, I suppose that is beside the point.
And as far as him getting in trouble for this before, this is true. He got a teenager pregnant years ago (he is now married to her). And was either fired or he gracefully bowed out (I don't remember which). So, I'm not sure why he was ever hired as a city cop in the first place.
As far as other cops being unfaithful to their wivees being his defense. That is just stupid! Honestly I don't know any of the cops that HAVE been faithful to their wives. But, I will say that probably not ALL of them are doing it while on duty, like he was. That is the difference.
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