Today's trivia question to prepare you for the “Clash of Civilizations”.
What is schmaltz?
The Lilly family has been generous. The wealth of Lilly Foundation is nearly unlimited. The Lilly foundation has financed Community Foundations across Indiana. That includes our Starke County Community Foundation. The pride and joy of the foundation is the Starke County Community Foundation Lilly Endowment Community Scholars. This is an astoundingly generous, 4-year full tuition scholarship to any Indiana College. The future value of this scholarship at Notre Dame is about $175,000. WOW!!! This is far and away the biggest thing that the Starke Foundation does. Some years they give away 3 of these!
This is a gigantic amount of money. How are the recipients chosen? After reading the Community Foundation’s web site and the web site of the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program it seems that any local graduating Senior may apply. Not much information about the actual selection criteria was available. In 2003 they were more informative than years since. Here is a quote from the 2003 information: “The selection of nominees was done in two phases. During the first phase, students were scored on their application essay, their SAT scores, their GPA, curriculum difficulty, their school and community activities, work experience and letters of recommendation. Twelve students were selected to advance to the second or final phase. During the final phase, the students wrote an impromptu essay and interviewed with the Starke County Community Foundation Scholarship Committee.” The 2006 selection seems to indicate that the Independent Colleges of Indiana makes the final choice from the finalist pool. However information from prior years indicated that only the nominees and an alternate were sent to ICI. Other information on the site stated a somewhat different process. In any case, presumably ICI generally accepts the nominees named by the committee.
This type of scholarship is called a merit scholarship as opposed to a need scholarship. In the criteria there was no mention of student need as a factor. Since 2002 there have been 8 boys and 5 girls with 7 from North Judson, 2 from Knox, 3 from Oregon Davis, and 1 from the Indiana Academy. North Judson has done quite well. I would say that North Judson students tend to be better qualified because the school has a strong tradition of nurturing their most talented students. Their continuing success at in the Academic Bowl competition is proof of that.
I suggest that all Knox parents understand and then explain this program to their child. I think you should start at about age 5 and keep mentioning it. Tell them, “I expect you to win this!” Consider that there are only about 230 graduates in the pool. Only about 120 of these students even expect to go to college. ONLY 20 STUDENTS EVEN BOTHER APPLYING! In a good year 3 scholarships are awarded. Your child’s chance is 3 out of 20, 15% to win $175,000. And you don’t even have to scratch that awful silver/gray dust off a lottery ticket.
After studying the past winners, I can give you the best strategy:
1. Move to North Judson
2. Be Middle-Class. Being a teacher is good.
3. Avoid divorce and other conspicuous bad behavior.
4. Go to a mainstream Protestant Church and make sure that your kid is very active.
This is a gigantic amount of money. How are the recipients chosen? After reading the Community Foundation’s web site and the web site of the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program it seems that any local graduating Senior may apply. Not much information about the actual selection criteria was available. In 2003 they were more informative than years since. Here is a quote from the 2003 information: “The selection of nominees was done in two phases. During the first phase, students were scored on their application essay, their SAT scores, their GPA, curriculum difficulty, their school and community activities, work experience and letters of recommendation. Twelve students were selected to advance to the second or final phase. During the final phase, the students wrote an impromptu essay and interviewed with the Starke County Community Foundation Scholarship Committee.” The 2006 selection seems to indicate that the Independent Colleges of Indiana makes the final choice from the finalist pool. However information from prior years indicated that only the nominees and an alternate were sent to ICI. Other information on the site stated a somewhat different process. In any case, presumably ICI generally accepts the nominees named by the committee.
This type of scholarship is called a merit scholarship as opposed to a need scholarship. In the criteria there was no mention of student need as a factor. Since 2002 there have been 8 boys and 5 girls with 7 from North Judson, 2 from Knox, 3 from Oregon Davis, and 1 from the Indiana Academy. North Judson has done quite well. I would say that North Judson students tend to be better qualified because the school has a strong tradition of nurturing their most talented students. Their continuing success at in the Academic Bowl competition is proof of that.
I suggest that all Knox parents understand and then explain this program to their child. I think you should start at about age 5 and keep mentioning it. Tell them, “I expect you to win this!” Consider that there are only about 230 graduates in the pool. Only about 120 of these students even expect to go to college. ONLY 20 STUDENTS EVEN BOTHER APPLYING! In a good year 3 scholarships are awarded. Your child’s chance is 3 out of 20, 15% to win $175,000. And you don’t even have to scratch that awful silver/gray dust off a lottery ticket.
After studying the past winners, I can give you the best strategy:
1. Move to North Judson
2. Be Middle-Class. Being a teacher is good.
3. Avoid divorce and other conspicuous bad behavior.
4. Go to a mainstream Protestant Church and make sure that your kid is very active.
5. Make your kid volunteer at the nursing home.
6. Make sure your kid is popular; Student Body President is best.
7. Your kid’s Music and Sports successes are biggies.
8. Teach your kid to write an essay. Some schmaltz is good.
9. Teach you kid to say ma’am and sir.
10. Teach your kid to look adults in the eye.
11. Teach your kid not to mumble.
12. Your kid will need good grades (bummer).
13. Your kid will need good SATs (bummer).
14. Best Bet: Get to know people on the selection committee!
I suppose that you are wondering when I was going to start grousing about the program? Next time.
6. Make sure your kid is popular; Student Body President is best.
7. Your kid’s Music and Sports successes are biggies.
8. Teach your kid to write an essay. Some schmaltz is good.
9. Teach you kid to say ma’am and sir.
10. Teach your kid to look adults in the eye.
11. Teach your kid not to mumble.
12. Your kid will need good grades (bummer).
13. Your kid will need good SATs (bummer).
14. Best Bet: Get to know people on the selection committee!
I suppose that you are wondering when I was going to start grousing about the program? Next time.
The Shadow left a comment on another post but had a question about this post as follows: ........."I also find your title on Joan Miró painting a little troubling in addition as its placement. It is not titled, "Man Kicking Stone with Bird"; it is in fact called, "Person Throwing a Stone at a Bird". I have personally seen this painting and have been mesmerized by its subtlety and charm but I am curious why you chose to post it with your blog? Are you saying that the man, who seems to have no arms, is figurative of the Lilly Foundation and the Bird is figurative of students who are not chosen? Surrealist painting tends to be the epitome of modern, and sometimes postmodern, thinking in that they try to defy one simple definition. This painting could be a man throwing a stone at the bird, but just as likely, it could be the bird is not a bird at all but an unfinished bow and arrow. The stone could really an egg or even a moon, with the line signifying the arch it makes at night. I'm at a loss and am wondering if you could clarify that for your readers."
I thank The Shadow for the correct English title according to MOMA, "Person Throwing a Stone at a Bird". The Painting hangs in Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA. I don’t know the actual Catalan title, if any. I think it looks a lot more like kicking than throwing. Hey, it’s a big foot with no hands! In any case The Shadow, puts more into my head than actually is there. My simple reason for using the image was to reinforce the word kicking in title of my blog and to expose my readers to an interesting image. I’m a Miró fan. (a quibble aside: I don’t think that there are “definitions” of paintings. Words have definitions. Paintings have interpretations.)
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