The Knox School Board has taken 2 concurrent actions:
1. They have decided to ask the Starke County Commissioners to appeal the Central Time decision and change back to Eastern Time.
2. They have hired Kevin Kroft, Starke County Commissioner, as transportation manager.
QUID PRO QUO (translation from Latin 'what for what' or 'something for something.')
It looks, feels and smells like quid pro quo. This is a big deal because a quid pro quo establishes bribery, in this case the Knox School Board bribing Commissioner Kevin Kroft. So again we meet Harold Welter (mentioned below in “Kudos, Knox Soccer…… Hiss, Knox School Board”). He supported the time zone question on the grounds that Central Time is a “nightmare” for sports scheduling. The real nightmare is a School Board completely morally oblivious. We need to talk about Harold Welter’s many family members that are employed by the school corporation. We need to talk about Harold Welter selling retirement financial products to the school’s teachers. Perhaps there is a nightmare.
If you are wating to talk about Morallity take a look at the Knox government. The chief of police has no problem sleeping around on his wife and this I guess has spread to the other officers. There has been more than one person that has seen a certain officer behind Country side nursing home with a certain young lady getting out of the police car.
This has been reported but nothing done with it. I have heard that the chief has stood up for this officer during a recent meeting about this officers suspension. Not to mention that this officer works for the Mayor in his side job.
I have also heard that there is an officer that has been off for some time and is not being paid. From what I have heard he was injuried on the job and the Mayor was not sure what to do so they just let it go until the officer was out of sick days and vacation days. The city could have paid the officer until he started getting disability payments but they decided not to. I think that this is a much more imprtant issue to look at. Where is Rick Chambers he is much needed.
In response to anonymous. I don't know anything about this case. So those who read you comments will need to decide on the merits of your comments without any help from me, blogger knox indidna. I do want to stress that you are NOT talking about Rick Chambers, the former chief of police. Rich was forced out of office by the new mayor. This will be the subject of a future blog. You indicate that you wish that Chief Chambers was back on duty. I agree.
Unfortunately I am not really up to speed on this subject. Please send along a list of people that have left or been fired from the Knox City Government. See today's posting, "Exposing Nepotism, Self-Dealing and Conflict of Interest in Local Government"
In regards to the time issue and the Knox School Board, I recently heard Dr. Knott explain their position on WKVI. I was a little confused. I have attended several school board meetings due to issues that could affect my children, and this is certainly one of them. My understanding is that Harold Welter wishes to be on EST to prevent conflicts with sporting events. Other board members, on the other hand, feel safety of the children is the top concern. No parent would want their children getting on a bus when it is completely dark out. Dr. Knott has also explained that we have not had any school delays due to fog under CST. However, it appears that the majority of School Board members are smart enough to know that there is more at stake here than just setting times for ball games and getting children to school safely. They therefore, feel the County Commissioners should be the ones who decide what is best for Starke County. In the future, I would suggest you attend School Board meetings like the rest of us so that you are more aware of what is going on.
My only comment whatsoever regarding the time zone issue was: "He [Welter] supported the time zone question on the grounds that Central Time is a “nightmare” for sports scheduling."
You said, “My understanding is that Harold Welter wishes to be on EST to prevent conflicts with sporting events.”
Your comment seems in complete agreement with what I said. What exactly is your beef with me? In what way did I get this wrong? In what way exactly do you think that I need to be “more aware of what is going on”?
I understand your reasons for remaining anonymous and I think it's sad that people such as the fire chief are so concerned about who you are and your freedom of speech. I applaud you for being brave enough to voice your feelings and concerns. And I certainly don't have a "beef" with you. I only wanted to point out that you were talking about the school board as a whole, but they don't all feel the same as Harold Welter. Just because someone is a member of a group, board, or whatever, and is very verbal about his or her feelings on a topic, doesn't mean that he/she is speaking for the entire group. That's all I meant to say. It was nothing derogatory at all.
You are correct. I was taking on the entire board with this blog. I am sorry for being so touchy. Thanks for your comments.
Its just that I am so, so tired of the time zone issue. I just think that we all need to put it to rest and adjust our lives accordingly. How many years are we going to debate and adjust this thing and never satisfy more than half of the population?
Perhaps we need a blog post about the time zone. I dread moderating that one!
I'm with you on the time zone. ENOUGH ALREADY!
This was not on the subject so I deleted it.
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