Monday, October 09, 2006

Touchy, Touchy, Scary, Scary

I have heard that the Fire Chief and others have been enlisting the efforts of local computer nerds to track the identity of little ol’ me, blogger, Knox Indiana. Isn’t that awfully tacky? I find it a bit scary? What, pray tell, would those searchers do with that information? I suppose expressing an opinion in our little town of Knox can get you in deep do-do, especially if that opinion comes even close to the truth.

What’s a lady to expect? If my house is on fire and my children and my dogs and cats are about to roast, will the fire chief put some marshmallows on sticks for the volunteers to fight the blaze? (I have heard that is how the black folk were kept out of Knox in the not so distant past.)

I suggest that the Fire Chief respond with any complaints right here. I will print his comment unaltered. I may even agree with him and change my mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me thinks thou might think more people care about who you might be than might be true.